Quick, Healthy, Stir Fry

After days of traveling, which seemed like weeks, I needed a meal that would satisfy my taste buds and restore my body. I decided to whip up some stir-fry. First I made some brown rice, and let it sit on the back burner while I sautéed a myriad of veggies. After a light, relaxing run, it felt amazing to chop bright, ripe vegetables knowing that they would be doing my body good. Snow peas, red and yellow peppers, mushrooms, carrots and broccoli were all sautéed in my own special stir fry sauce that I’m willing to share exclusively on Goalie Spoon.

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Mackler Stir Fry Sauce: The ingredients must never be measured, only eyeballed. First, a thin layer of canola oil needs to cover your stir-fry surface. Then, add three-ish pinches of ground ginger, a little bit of onion powder, about a half a teaspoon of minced garlic, and a splash of soy sauce. Then add all of the vegetables your heart desires, and sauté to perfection.

Adding a few spoonfuls of soy sauce and a couple squeezes of lemon juice to your grilled chicken (while it’s still sizzling) will give it just the kick that it needs to keep up with the veggies. Brown rice is my favorite, but pour your steaming sliced grilled chicken and delectable vegetables over whatever type of rice you’d like, and enjoy this homemade Goalie Spoon specialty.